Source code for ccdc.diagram

# This code is Copyright (C) 2015 The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre
# (CCDC) of 12 Union Road, Cambridge CB2 1EZ, UK and a proprietary work of CCDC.
# This code may not be used, reproduced, translated, modified, disassembled or
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The :mod:`ccdc.diagram` module has functionality for generating 2D diagrams.

The main class of the :mod:`ccdc.diagram` module is

>>> from import EntryReader
>>> from ccdc.diagram import DiagramGenerator
>>> entry_reader = EntryReader('CSD')
>>> mol = entry_reader.molecule('ABEBUF')
>>> diagram_generator = DiagramGenerator()
>>> img = diagram_generator.image(mol)  # img is a PIL image


    from PIL import Image
except ImportError:
    import Image

import pathlib

from ccdc.entry import Entry
from ccdc.crystal import Crystal
from ccdc.molecule import Molecule
from ccdc.utilities import _argb2rgba, bidirectional_dict
from import QuerySubstructure, QueryAtom, MoleculeSubstructure
from import MoleculeWriter

from ccdc.utilities import _private_importer
with _private_importer() as pi:


[docs]class DiagramGenerator(object): '''Diagram generator.'''
[docs] class Settings(object): '''Settings base class for diagram generation.''' _font_weights = bidirectional_dict( light=25, normal=50, demibold=63, bold=75, black=87 ) def __init__(self, _settings=None): if _settings is None: _settings = VirtualScreening.ChemicalDiagramImageGeneratorSettings() self._settings = _settings self._return_type = 'PIL' #: Format of returned image, either 'PIL' for a PIL image object or 'SVG' for an SVG string. self.highlight_color = 'red' #: Color used for highlighting atoms and bonds. self.element_coloring = True #: Color atomic labels. @property def return_type(self): '''The image method return type.''' return self._return_type @return_type.setter def return_type(self, value): '''Set the return type of the image method, the following values are acceptable. "PIL" - The image method returns the diagram image as a PIL image object. "SVG" - The image method returns the diagram image as an SVG string.''' self._return_type = value.upper() @property def image_width(self): '''The image width.''' return self._settings.image_width() @image_width.setter def image_width(self, value): '''Set the image width.''' self._settings.set_image_width(value) @property def image_height(self): '''The image height.''' return self._settings.image_height() @image_height.setter def image_height(self, value): '''Set the image height.''' self._settings.set_image_height(value) @property def line_width(self): '''The image line width.''' return self._settings.image_line_width() @line_width.setter def line_width(self, value): '''Set the image line width.''' self._settings.set_image_line_width(value) @property def font_family(self): '''The name of the font family.''' return self._settings.image_font_family() @font_family.setter def font_family(self, value): self._settings.set_image_font_family(value) @property def font_weight(self): '''The weight of the font.''' return self._font_weights.inverse_lookup(self._settings.image_font_weight()) @font_weight.setter def font_weight(self, value): self._settings.set_image_font_weight( self._font_weights.prefix_lookup(value) ) @property def font_size(self): '''The image font size.''' s = self._settings.image_font_size() if s == -1: return None return s @font_size.setter def font_size(self, value): '''Set the image font size.''' if not value: value = -1 self._settings.set_image_font_size(value) @property def font_italic(self): '''Whether the font is italic or not.''' return self._settings.image_font_italic() @font_italic.setter def font_italic(self, tf): self._settings.set_image_font_italic(tf) @property def foreground_color(self): '''The foreground color.''' return self._settings.image_foreground_color() @foreground_color.setter def foreground_color(self, value): self._settings.set_image_foreground_color(VirtualScreening.QColor(value)); @property def background_color(self): '''The background color.''' return self._settings.image_background_color() @foreground_color.setter def background_color(self, value): self._settings.set_image_background_color(VirtualScreening.QColor(value)); @property def highlight_color(self): '''The highlight color to be used.''' return self._settings.image_highlight_color().name() @highlight_color.setter def highlight_color(self, value): self._settings.set_image_highlight_color(VirtualScreening.QColor(value)) @property def element_coloring(self): '''Whether or not elements will be coloured.''' return self._settings.image_element_color_policy() == VirtualScreening.ChemicalDiagramImageGenerator.ELEMENT_COLOR @element_coloring.setter def element_coloring(self, tf): if tf: self._settings.set_image_element_color_policy(VirtualScreening.ChemicalDiagramImageGenerator.ELEMENT_COLOR) else: self._settings.set_image_element_color_policy(VirtualScreening.ChemicalDiagramImageGenerator.FIXED_COLOR) shrink_symbols = True #: Whether to replace particular substructures with functional group labels. explicit_polar_hydrogens = False #: Whether to use explicit polar hydrogens. detect_intra_hbonds = False #: Whether to detect intra-molecular hbonds. _detect_inter_hbonds = False # Whether to detect inter-molecular hbonds. overwrite_existing_image = False #: Whether to override the existing image of an entry.
def __init__(self, settings=None): if settings is None: settings = self.Settings() self.settings = settings self._ff_gen = VirtualScreening.ForceField2DGenerator() def _generate_image(self, molecule, highlight_atoms, label_atoms, image_type): generate_new_diagram = True if isinstance(molecule, Entry): entry = molecule if not self.settings.overwrite_existing_image: generate_new_diagram = False else: entry = Entry.from_molecule(molecule) if generate_new_diagram: cv = ChemistryLib.CrystalStructureView.instantiate(entry.crystal._crystal) self._ff_gen.set_seed(10000) m2d = VirtualScreening.Molecules2Diagram(self._ff_gen, cv) cd = m2d.diagram() if label_atoms is not None: for a in label_atoms: if a.index < cd.natoms(): cd.atom(a.index).set_centre_label(a.label) cdv = ChemistryLib.ChemicalDiagramViews2D(cd) entry._entry.set_chemical_diagram_views(cdv) cdmatcher = DatabaseEntryLib.CrystalChemicalDiagramMatcher( entry.crystal._crystal, cdv) cdm = cdmatcher.crystal_diagram_match() entry._entry.set_crystal_diagram_match(cdm) atom_labels = [] if highlight_atoms: atom_labels = [atom.label for atom in highlight_atoms] if image_type == 'PIL': image = VirtualScreening.ChemicalDiagramImageGenerator().write( entry._entry, self.settings._settings, atom_labels ) return DiagramGenerator._extract_pil(image) elif image_type == 'SVG': image = VirtualScreening.ChemicalDiagramImageGenerator().write_svg( entry._entry, self.settings._settings, atom_labels ) return image @staticmethod def _errors(): return VirtualScreening.ChemicalDiagramImageGenerator().errors() @staticmethod def _extract_pil(image): if image: try: pil = Image.frombytes( 'RGBA', (image.width(), image.height()), _argb2rgba( ) except AttributeError: pil = Image.fromstring( 'RGBA', (image.width(), image.height()), _argb2rgba( ) return pil
[docs] def image(self, argument, highlight_atoms=None, label_atoms=None): '''Return an image or list of images according to arguments. :param argument: a :class:`ccdc.crystal.Crystal`, a :class:`ccdc.molecule.Molecule`, a :class:`ccdc.entry.Entry`, or a list of them. :param highlight_atoms: list of :class:`ccdc.molecule.Atom`, or a list of atom lists :returns: a PIL image, or a list of PIL images. It may return ``None`` if the diagram generation failed. ''' def _check_crystal(c): try: c.molecule return c except TypeError: return None def _get_highlight_atoms_list(atoms, i): if not atoms: return None try: a = atoms[i] if isinstance(a, (list, tuple)): return a else: return None except IndexError: return None def _check_highlight_atoms(atoms): if not atoms or not len(atoms): return None elif isinstance(atoms[0], (list, tuple)): return atoms[0] else: return atoms # Settings for ForceField2DGenerator self._ff_gen.set_shrink_known_symbols(self.settings.shrink_symbols) self._ff_gen.set_explicit_polar_hydrogens(self.settings.explicit_polar_hydrogens) self._ff_gen.set_detect_intra_molecular_hbonds(self.settings.detect_intra_hbonds) self._ff_gen.set_detect_inter_molecular_hbonds(self.settings._detect_inter_hbonds) if isinstance(argument, Crystal): if _check_crystal(argument): h_atoms = _check_highlight_atoms(highlight_atoms) l_atoms = _check_highlight_atoms(label_atoms) return self._generate_image(argument.molecule, h_atoms, l_atoms, image_type=self.settings.return_type) else: return None elif isinstance(argument, Molecule) or isinstance(argument, Entry): h_atoms = _check_highlight_atoms(highlight_atoms) l_atoms = _check_highlight_atoms(label_atoms) return self._generate_image(argument, h_atoms, l_atoms, image_type=self.settings.return_type) elif isinstance(argument, QuerySubstructure): if highlight_atoms is None: highlight_atoms = [] if all(isinstance(i, QueryAtom) for i in highlight_atoms): highlight_atoms = [a.index for a in highlight_atoms] if not all(isinstance(i, int) for i in highlight_atoms): raise RuntimeError('highlight atoms of a QuerySubstructure must be indices') if self.settings.return_type == 'PIL': return DiagramGenerator._extract_pil( VirtualScreening.substructure_to_diagram( argument._substructure, highlight_atoms, self.settings._settings ) ) else: return VirtualScreening.substructure_to_svg( argument._substructure, highlight_atoms, self.settings._settings ) elif isinstance(argument, (list, tuple)) and len(argument): images = [] cur_s = 0 if isinstance(argument[0], Crystal): l = [_check_crystal(c) for c in argument] for c in l: if c is not None: h_atoms = _get_highlight_atoms_list(highlight_atoms, cur_s) l_atoms = _get_highlight_atoms_list(label_atoms, cur_s) img = self._generate_image(c.molecule, h_atoms, l_atoms, image_type=self.settings.return_type) images.append(img) else: images.append(None) cur_s += 1 elif isinstance(argument[0], Molecule) or isinstance(argument[0], Entry): for m in argument: h_atoms = _get_highlight_atoms_list(highlight_atoms, cur_s) l_atoms = _get_highlight_atoms_list(label_atoms, cur_s) img = self._generate_image(m, h_atoms, l_atoms, image_type=self.settings.return_type) images.append(img) cur_s += 1 return images
[docs] def chemdraw_xml(self, molecule, file_name): '''Write a chemdraw XML file containing the 2D diagram of the molecule passed in. :param molecule: a :class:`ccdc.molecule.Molecule` or a :class:`ccdc.entry.Entry` :param file_name: a file name to write :returns: the text written to the file, or None ''' if isinstance(molecule, Molecule) or isinstance(molecule, Entry): entry = Entry.from_molecule(molecule) p = pathlib.Path(file_name) writer = FileFormatsLib.CdxmlFile() writer.write(entry._entry.chemical_diagram_views(), str(p.absolute())) with open(str(p.absolute()), 'r', newline='') as cdxml_file: cdxml = return cdxml else: return None