Hydrogen bond propensities examples¶
Hydrogen bond propensities calculation in docx report¶
This example calculate the hydrogen bond propensities of a structure and output the results in a docx report.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This script can be used for any purpose without limitation subject to the
# conditions at https://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/Community/Pages/Licences/v2.aspx
# This permission notice and the following statement of attribution must be
# included in all copies or substantial portions of this script.
# 2017-08-10: Created by Andy Maloney, the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre
# 2020-08-21: made available by the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre
- Writes a .docx report of a hydrogen bond propensity calculation
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ccdc import io
from ccdc.diagram import DiagramGenerator
from ccdc.search import SubstructureSearch, ConnserSubstructure
from ccdc.descriptors import CrystalDescriptors
import argparse
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import csv
import warnings
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
import docxtpl
from docx.shared import Cm
except ImportError:
error_message = """
The python-docx-template templating engine needed by this script could not
be found. Please run "{} -m pip install docxtpl"
to try to fix the issue.\nYou may need administrator's rights to do this.
raise ImportError(error_message)
SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)
TEMPLATE_FILENAME = 'hydrogen_bond_propensity_report.docx'
def make_diagram(mol, directory):
# Generates a diagram from a given structure
molecule_diagram_generator = DiagramGenerator()
molecule_diagram_generator.settings.line_width = 1.6
molecule_diagram_generator.settings.font_size = 12
molecule_diagram_generator.settings.image_height = 300
img = molecule_diagram_generator.image(mol)
fname = str(os.path.join(directory, '%s_diagram.png' % mol.identifier))
if img:
return fname
def fg_diagram(mol, directory, con):
# Create highlighted functional group diagrams
diagram_generator = DiagramGenerator()
diagram_generator.settings.shrink_symbols = False
diagram_generator.settings.element_coloring = False
searcher = SubstructureSearch()
searcher.add_substructure(ConnserSubstructure(os.path.join(directory, "%s.con" % con)))
hits = searcher.search(mol)
selection = hits[0].match_atoms()
img = diagram_generator.image(mol, highlight_atoms=selection)
fname = str(os.path.join(directory, '%s.png' % con))
if img:
return fname
def add_picture_subdoc(picture_location, docx_template, cm=7):
# This function adds a picture to the .docx file
return docxtpl.InlineImage(
docx_template, image_descriptor=picture_location, width=Cm(cm))
def launch_word_processor(output_file):
"""Open the default application for output_file across platforms."""
if sys.platform == 'win32':
elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
subprocess.Popen(['xdg-open', output_file])
subprocess.Popen(['open', output_file])
def propensity_calc(crystal, directory):
# Perform a Hydrogen Bond Propensity calculation
# Provide settings for the calculation
settings = CrystalDescriptors.HBondPropensities.Settings()
settings.working_directory = directory
settings.hbond_criterion.require_hydrogens = True
settings.hbond_criterion.path_length_range = (3, 999)
# Set up the HBP calculator
hbp = CrystalDescriptors.HBondPropensities(settings)
# Set up the target structure for the calculation
# Generate Training Dataset
hbp.match_fitting_data(count=300) # set to >300
for d in hbp.donors:
print(d.identifier, d.npositive, d.nnegative)
for a in hbp.acceptors:
print(a.identifier, a.npositive, a.nnegative)
# Perform regression
model = hbp.perform_regression()
print('Area under ROC curve: {} -- {}'.format(round(model.area_under_roc_curve, 3), model.advice_comment))
propensities = hbp.calculate_propensities()
if len(hbp.intra_propensities) > 0:
intra_flag = True
intra_flag = False
groups = hbp.generate_hbond_groupings()
observed_group = hbp.target_hbond_grouping()
return hbp.functional_groups, hbp.fitting_data, hbp.donors, hbp.acceptors, model, \
propensities, intra_flag, groups, observed_group
def coordination_scores_calc(crystal, directory):
# Calculate coordination scores for the target structure
# Provide settings for the calculation
settings = CrystalDescriptors.HBondCoordination.Settings()
settings.working_directory = directory
# Set up the coordination scores calculator
coordination_calc = CrystalDescriptors.HBondCoordination(settings)
predictions = coordination_calc.predict(crystal)
return predictions
def format_scores(scores, das, d_type):
# Reformat the coordination scores to make report writing easier
formatted_scores = {}
for da in das:
preds = scores.predictions_for_label(da.label, d_type)[1]
formatted_scores[da.label] = preds
return formatted_scores
def normalize_molecule(molecule):
# Normalise bond types for the input structure (important for cifs)
def chart_output(groups, work_directory, structure):
# Write out the data points of the HBP chart to a file
with open(os.path.join(work_directory, '%s_chart_data.csv' % structure), 'w') as outfile:
csv_writer = csv.writer(outfile)
csv_writer.writerow(['Mean Propensity', 'Mean Coordination Score', 'Hydrogen Bonds'])
for group in groups:
'; '.join(['%s - %s' % (g.donor.label, g.acceptor.label) for g in group.hbonds])]
def main(structure, directory, csdrefcode, noopen=False):
# This looks for the .docx template that is used to generate the report from
if os.path.isfile(TEMPLATE_FILE):
docx_template = docxtpl.DocxTemplate(TEMPLATE_FILE)
print('Error! {} not found!'.format(TEMPLATE_FILENAME))
# This loads up the CSD if a refcode is requested, otherwise loads the structural file supplied
if csdrefcode:
crystal = io.CrystalReader('CSD').crystal(str(structure))
except RuntimeError:
print('Error! %s is not in the database!' % str(structure))
crystal = io.CrystalReader(str(structure))[0]
# If there are atoms without sites, or there are no atoms in the structure, then HBP cannot be performed
molecule = crystal.molecule
if not molecule.all_atoms_have_sites or len(molecule.atoms) == 0:
print('Error! Not all atoms in %s have sites!' % str(structure))
# Bond types need to be standardised
crystal.molecule = molecule
# Set up a work directory for the HBP files
work_directory = os.path.join(directory, str(structure).split('.')[0])
# Get all the necessary data from a HBP calculation
functional_groups, fitting_data, donors, acceptors, model, propensities, intra_flag,\
groups, observed_groups = propensity_calc(crystal, work_directory)
# Calculate the coordination scores separately
coordination_scores = coordination_scores_calc(crystal, work_directory)
# Create the HBP chart output as a separate file
chart_output(groups, work_directory, structure)
# Set up some dictionaries and fill them with coordination score data, as well as extra information for the report
dscores = {}
ascores = {}
dcoord_bg = {}
acoord_bg = {}
for d in donors:
coord_cols = [i for i in range(len(coordination_scores.predictions_for_label(d.label, 'd')[1]))]
dscores[d.label] = [round((coordination_scores.predictions_for_label(d.label, 'd')[1])[j], 3)
for j in coord_cols]
dcoord_bg[d.label] = ['FFFFFF' for j in coord_cols]
coord_value = coordination_scores.predictions_for_label(d.label, 'd')[0]
if coord_value == dscores[d.label].index(max(dscores[d.label])):
dcoord_bg[d.label][coord_value] = '7FFF00'
dcoord_bg[d.label][coord_value] = 'FF0000'
for a in acceptors:
ascores[a.label] = [round((coordination_scores.predictions_for_label(a.label, 'a')[1])[k], 3)
for k in coord_cols]
acoord_bg[a.label] = ['FFFFFF' for j in coord_cols]
coord_value = coordination_scores.predictions_for_label(a.label, 'a')[0]
if coord_value == ascores[a.label].index(max(ascores[a.label])):
acoord_bg[a.label][coord_value] = '7FFF00'
acoord_bg[a.label][coord_value] = 'FF0000'
# Generate more information for the report
coefficients = model.coefficients
don = list(set(list("%s_d" % p.donor_label.split(" ")[0] for p in propensities)))
acc = list(set(list("%s_a" % p.acceptor_label.split(" ")[0] for p in propensities)))
# Generate the HBP chart
figure = plt.scatter([group.hbond_score for group in groups],
[group.coordination_score for group in groups],
ax2 = plt.scatter(observed_groups.hbond_score,
c='red', marker='*', s=250)
plt.origin = 'upper'
plt.xlim(0, 1.0)
plt.ylim(-1.0, 0)
ax = plt.gca()
ax.set_xlabel('Mean H-Bond Propensity')
ax.set_ylabel('Mean H-Bond Coordination')
figure_location = os.path.join(directory, '%s_standard_chart.png' % crystal.identifier)
chart = add_picture_subdoc(figure_location, docx_template, cm=16)
diagram_file = make_diagram(crystal.molecule, directory)
diagram = add_picture_subdoc(diagram_file, docx_template)
con_files = [f[:-4] for f in os.listdir(work_directory) if f.endswith(".con")]
fg_pics = [fg_diagram(crystal.molecule, work_directory, con) for con in con_files]
fg_diagrams = {con: add_picture_subdoc(os.path.join(work_directory, '%s.png' % con), docx_template)
for con in con_files}
# The context is the information that is given to the template to allow it to be populated
context = {
# Title page
'identifier': crystal.identifier,
'chart': chart,
'propensities': propensities,
'intra_flag': intra_flag,
'coord_cols': coord_cols,
'donors': donors,
'acceptors': acceptors,
'dscores': dscores,
'dbg': dcoord_bg,
'ascores': ascores,
'abg': acoord_bg,
'diagram': diagram,
'don': don,
'acc': acc,
'fg_diagrams': fg_diagrams,
'functional_groups': functional_groups,
'data': fitting_data,
'len_data': len(fitting_data),
'coefficients': coefficients,
'model': model,
# Send all the information to the template file then open up the final report
output_file = os.path.join(directory, '%s_propensity_report.docx' % crystal.identifier)
if not noopen:
print('Output file written to %s' % output_file)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Set up the necessary arguments to run the script
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
parser.add_argument('input_structure', type=str,
help='Refcode or mol2 file of the component to be screened')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--directory', default=os.getcwd(),
help='the working directory for the calculation')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--noopen', action='store_true',
help='Do not automatically open the generated output file.')
args = parser.parse_args()
refcode = False
if not os.path.isfile(args.input_structure):
if len(str(args.input_structure).split('.')) == 1:
refcode = True
parser.error('%s - file not found.' % args.input_structure)
if not refcode:
args.directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(args.input_structure))
elif not os.path.isdir(args.directory):
main(args.input_structure, args.directory, refcode, args.noopen)
Multi-component hydrogen bond propensities calculation in docx report¶
This example calculate the multi-component hydrogen bond propensities of a structure and output the results in a docx report.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This script can be used for any purpose without limitation subject to the
# conditions at https://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/Community/Pages/Licences/v2.aspx
# This permission notice and the following statement of attribution must be
# included in all copies or substantial portions of this script.
# 2017-08-10: Created by Andy Maloney, the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre
# 2020-08-21: made available by the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre
- Performs a multi-component HBP calculation for a given library of co-formers
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ccdc import io, molecule
from ccdc.diagram import DiagramGenerator
from ccdc.descriptors import CrystalDescriptors
from ccdc.utilities import Resources
import sys
import os
import glob
import argparse
import tempfile
import subprocess
import warnings
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
import docxtpl
from docx.shared import Cm
except ImportError:
error_message = """
The python-docx-template templating engine needed by this script could not
be found. Please run "{} -m pip install docxtpl"
to try to fix the issue.\nYou may need administrator's rights to do this.
raise ImportError(error_message)
SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)
TEMPLATE_FILENAME = 'multi_component_hydrogen_bond_propensity_report.docx'
PAIR_TEMPLATE_FILENAME = 'multi_component_pair_hbp_report.docx'
def cm2inch(*tupl):
inch = 2.54
if isinstance(tupl[0], tuple):
return tuple(i/inch for i in tupl[0])
return tuple(i/inch for i in tupl)
def launch_word_processor(output_file):
'''This function launches the platform specific word processor
when not running under continuous integration'''
if 'TEAMCITY_VERSION' in os.environ:
if sys.platform == 'win32':
elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
subprocess.Popen(['xdg-open', output_file])
subprocess.Popen(['open', output_file])
def make_diagram(mol, directory):
# Generates a diagram from a given structure
molecule_diagram_generator = DiagramGenerator()
molecule_diagram_generator.settings.line_width = 1.6
molecule_diagram_generator.settings.font_size = 12
molecule_diagram_generator.settings.image_height = 300
img = molecule_diagram_generator.image(mol)
fname = str(os.path.join(directory, '%s_diagram.png' % mol.identifier))
if img:
return fname
def make_mc_chart(dictionary, directory, mol):
results = [value[0] for key, value in dictionary if isinstance(value[0], float)]
ymin = min(results)
ymax = max(results)
indices = range(1, len(results) + 1)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=cm2inch(22, 18))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
color = 'cornflowerblue'
color1 = 'royalblue'
ls = ''
plt.plot(indices, results, marker='D', markersize=10, color=color, ls=ls, markeredgecolor=color1, alpha=0.7)
plt.axhline(y=0, color='gray')
plt.xlabel('Co-Former Rank', fontweight='bold', fontsize='12')
plt.ylabel('Multi-Component Score', fontweight='bold', fontsize='12')
plt.title('MCHBP screening results', fontweight='bold', fontsize='12')
ax.axhspan(0.025, ymax + 0.1, facecolor='lightgreen', alpha=0.5)
ax.axhspan(-0.025, ymin - 0.1, facecolor='lightpink', alpha=0.5)
ax.axhspan(0.025, -0.025, facecolor='grey', alpha=0.5)
plt.ylim(ymin - 0.025, ymax + 0.025)
fname = str(os.path.join(directory, '%s_MC_HBP_plot.png' % mol.identifier))
plt.savefig(fname, format='png', dpi=600)
return fname
def add_picture_subdoc(picture_location, docx_template, wd=7):
# This function adds a picture to the .docx file
return docxtpl.InlineImage(
docx_template, image_descriptor=picture_location, width=Cm(wd))
def propensity_calc(crystal, directory):
# Perform a Hydrogen Bond Propensity calculation
# Provide settings for the calculation
settings = CrystalDescriptors.HBondPropensities.Settings()
settings.working_directory = directory
settings.hbond_criterion.require_hydrogens = True
settings.hbond_criterion.path_length_range = (3, 999)
# Set up the HBP calculator
hbp = CrystalDescriptors.HBondPropensities(settings)
# Set up the target structure for the calculation
# Generate Training Dataset
hbp.match_fitting_data(count=300) # set to >300
for d in hbp.donors:
print(d.identifier, d.npositive, d.nnegative)
for a in hbp.acceptors:
print(a.identifier, a.npositive, a.nnegative)
# Perform regression
model = hbp.perform_regression()
print('Area under ROC curve: {} -- {}'.format(round(model.area_under_roc_curve, 3), model.advice_comment))
propensities = hbp.inter_propensities
return propensities, hbp.donors, hbp.acceptors
def coordination_scores_calc(crystal, directory):
# Calculate coordination scores for the target structure
# Provide settings for the calculation
settings = CrystalDescriptors.HBondCoordination.Settings()
settings.working_directory = directory
settings.hbond_criterion.require_hydrogens = True
settings.hbond_criterion.path_length_range = (3, 999)
# Set up the coordination scores calculator
coordination_calc = CrystalDescriptors.HBondCoordination(settings)
predictions = coordination_calc.predict(crystal)
return predictions
def format_scores(scores, das, d_type):
# Reformat the coordination scores to make report writing easier
formatted_scores = {}
for da in das:
preds = scores.predictions_for_label(da.label, d_type)[1]
formatted_scores[da.label] = preds
return formatted_scores
def get_mc_scores(propensities, identifier):
# Calculates the multi-component scores from the individual HBP calculation
AA_propensities = []
BB_propensities = []
AB_propensities = []
BA_propensities = []
for p in propensities:
t = "%s_d" % p.donor_label.split(" ")[0], "%s_a" % p.acceptor_label.split(" ")[0]
if '_A_' in t[0] and '_A_' in t[1]:
elif '_B_' in t[0] and '_B_' in t[1]:
elif '_A_' in t[0] and '_B_' in t[1]:
elif '_B_' in t[0] and '_A_' in t[1]:
max_AA = max(AA_propensities) if len(AA_propensities) > 0 else 0.0
max_BB = max(BB_propensities) if len(BB_propensities) > 0 else 0.0
max_AB = max(AB_propensities) if len(AB_propensities) > 0 else 0.0
max_BA = max(BA_propensities) if len(BA_propensities) > 0 else 0.0
max_list = [max_AA, max_BB, max_AB, max_BA]
max_keys = ['A:A', 'B:B', 'A:B', 'B:A']
max_mc = max(max_list[2], max_list[3])
max_sc = max(max_list[0], max_list[1])
return [round((max_mc - max_sc), 2),
round(max_mc, 2),
round(max_list[0], 2),
round(max_list[1], 2),
def make_pair_file(api_molecule, tempdir, f, i):
# Creates a file for the api/coformer pair
with io.MoleculeReader(f) as reader:
coformer_molecule = reader[0]
coformer_name = coformer_molecule.identifier
molecule_pair = make_molecule_pair(api_molecule, coformer_molecule, i)
molecule_file = os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.mol2' % molecule_pair.identifier)
with io.MoleculeWriter(molecule_file) as writer:
return molecule_file, coformer_name
def make_molecule_pair(api_molecule, coformer_molecule, i):
# Creates the multi-component system for each api/coformer pair
new_file_name = '%s_%d' % (api_molecule.identifier, i)
molecule_pair = molecule.Molecule(new_file_name)
atom_list = []
for atom in molecule_pair.components[0].atoms:
for atom in molecule_pair.atoms:
if atom.label in atom_list:
atom.label += '_A'
atom.label += '_B'
return molecule_pair
def pair_output(identifier, propensities, donors, acceptors, coordination_scores, directory):
# Writes out the output from a single HBP calculation for the multi-component pair
# This looks for the .docx template that is used to generate the report from
if os.path.isfile(PAIR_TEMPLATE_FILE):
docx_template = docxtpl.DocxTemplate(PAIR_TEMPLATE_FILE)
print('Error! {} not found!'.format(PAIR_TEMPLATE_FILENAME))
dscores = {}
ascores = {}
for d in donors:
coord_cols = [i for i in range(len(coordination_scores.predictions_for_label(d.label, 'd')[1]))]
dscores[d.label] = [round((coordination_scores.predictions_for_label(d.label, 'd')[1])[j], 3)
for j in coord_cols]
for a in acceptors:
ascores[a.label] = [round((coordination_scores.predictions_for_label(a.label, 'a')[1])[k], 3)
for k in coord_cols]
context = {
'identifier': identifier,
'propensities': propensities,
'coord_cols': coord_cols,
'donors': donors,
'dscores': dscores,
'acceptors': acceptors,
'ascores': ascores
output_file = os.path.join(directory, '%s_pair_output.docx' % identifier)
def make_mc_report(identifier, results, directory, diagram_file, chart_file):
# Write the MC-HBP report from the results
# This looks for the .docx template that is used to generate the report from
if os.path.isfile(TEMPLATE_FILE):
docx_template = docxtpl.DocxTemplate(TEMPLATE_FILE)
print('Error! {} not found!'.format(TEMPLATE_FILENAME))
# Generate content for the report
diagram = add_picture_subdoc(diagram_file, docx_template)
chart = add_picture_subdoc(chart_file, docx_template,wd=18)
# The context is the information that is given to the template to allow it to be populated
context = {
'identifier': str(identifier).split('.')[0],
'diagram': diagram,
'chart': chart,
'results': results
# Send all the information to the template file then open up the final report
output_file = os.path.join(directory, '%s_MC_HBP_report.docx' % str(identifier).split('.')[0])
def main(structure, work_directory, library, csdrefcode):
# This loads up the CSD if a refcode is requested, otherwise loads the structural file supplied
if csdrefcode:
crystal = io.CrystalReader('CSD').crystal(structure)
except RuntimeError:
print('Error! %s is not in the database!' % structure)
crystal = io.CrystalReader(structure)[0]
# If there are atoms without sites, or there are no atoms in the structure, then HBP cannot be performed
api_molecule = crystal.molecule
if not api_molecule.all_atoms_have_sites or len(api_molecule.atoms) == 0:
print('Error! Not all atoms in %s have sites!' % structure)
# find the coformers and set up the calculations
coformer_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(library, '*.mol2'))
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
mc_dictionary = {}
# for each coformer in the library, make a pair file for the api/coformer and run a HBP calculation
for i, f in enumerate(coformer_files):
molecule_file, coformer_name = make_pair_file(api_molecule, tempdir, f, i + 1)
crystal_reader = io.CrystalReader(molecule_file)
crystal = crystal_reader[0]
directory = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(work_directory), crystal.identifier)
propensities, donors, acceptors = propensity_calc(crystal, directory)
coordination_scores = coordination_scores_calc(crystal, directory)
pair_output(crystal.identifier, propensities, donors, acceptors, coordination_scores, directory)
mc_dictionary[coformer_name] = get_mc_scores(propensities, crystal.identifier)
except RuntimeError:
print("Propensity calculation failure for %s!" % coformer_name)
mc_dictionary[coformer_name] = ["N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", crystal.identifier]
# Make sense of the outputs of all the calculations
mc_hbp_screen = sorted(mc_dictionary.items(), key=lambda e: e[1][0], reverse=True)
diagram_file = make_diagram(api_molecule, work_directory)
chart_file = make_mc_chart(mc_hbp_screen, directory, api_molecule)
make_mc_report(structure, mc_hbp_screen, work_directory, diagram_file, chart_file)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Set up the necessary arguments to run the script
ccdc_coformers_dir = str(Resources().get_ccdc_coformers_dir())
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
parser.add_argument('input_structure', type=str,
help='Refcode or mol2 file of the component to be screened')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--directory', default=os.getcwd(),
help='the working directory for the calculation')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--coformer_library', type=str,
help='the directory of the desired coformer library',
args = parser.parse_args()
refcode = False
if not os.path.isfile(args.input_structure):
if len(str(args.input_structure).split('.')) == 1:
refcode = True
parser.error('%s - file not found.' % args.input_structure)
if not refcode:
args.directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(args.input_structure))
elif not os.path.isdir(args.directory):
if not os.path.isdir(args.coformer_library):
parser.error('%s - library not found.' % args.coformer_library)
main(args.input_structure, args.directory, args.coformer_library, refcode)