Particle examples¶
The particle API is available only to CSD-Particle users.
Slip planes¶
This example shows how to extract information about possible slip planes and save the data to a csv file.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This script can be used for any purpose without limitation subject to the
# conditions at
# This permission notice and the following statement of attribution must be
# included in all copies or substantial portions of this script.
# 2020-09-04: made available by the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre
''' - extract information about possible slip planes and can save it to csv.
The script uses the CCDC particle module to extract information, and,
optionally save the data to a csv file and select the desired separation threshold
python3 HXACAN
import argparse
import csv
from itertools import zip_longest
import os
from import CrystalReader
from ccdc import particle
def parse_arguments():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
help='The REFCDOE of a CSD entry, eg. HXACAN28.'
'-s', '--separation',
help='Set desired separation threshold, default is set to 0.'
'-csv', '--csv_output',
help='Save output as csv.'
return parser.parse_args()
def calculate_slip_planes(crystal, threshold):
Calculates slip planes and set separation threshold
:param crystal: The crystal whose slip planes we want to calculate
:type crystal: class:`ccdc.crystal.Crystal`
:param threshold: values between [-2 , 0] to select separation between planes
:type threshold: float
:return: planes object
print("Calculating possible slip planes...")
planes = particle.SlipPlanes(crystal)
return planes
def print_plane_info(plane, count):
Prints out information about the given plane
:param plane: Plane of interest
:type plane: class: `ccdc_addop.SlipPlanes.SlipPlane` object
:param count: number in planes list
:type count: interger
print(f"\n Plane number {count}")
print(f" Slip plane orientation : {plane.orientation.hkl}")
print(f" Offset : {round(plane.offset,3)}A")
print(f" Slab Separation : {round(plane.slab_separation,3)}A")
print(f" Repeat Distance : {round(plane.repeat_distance,3)}A")
print(f" Perpendicular planes : {[p_plane.orientation.hkl for p_plane in plane.perpendicular_slip_planes]}")
print(f" Hydrogen bond across plane : {plane.h_bonded}")
def save_to_csv(planes_dict, refcode):
Outputs the dictionary as a csv to the current directory
:param planes_dict: Dictionary of lists containing all the slip planes
:type plane_dict: dict
:param refcode: refcode of the structure being saved
:type refcode: str
transposed_data = list(zip_longest(*planes_dict.values()))
filename = f"{refcode}_SlipPlanes.csv"
with open(filename, 'w', newline='') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
for items in transposed_data:
print(f"`\n File saved in : {os.getcwd()}\\{filename}")
except IOError as e:
print("Can't write to this folder")
def main(args):
""" Driving function"""
crystal = CrystalReader('CSD').crystal(args.refcode)
print(f"Crystal Selected - {args.refcode}")
planes = calculate_slip_planes(crystal, args.separation)
divider = "######" * 5
print(f"\n{divider} Slip Planes {divider}")
print(f"Number of slip planes with a separation > {planes.separation_threshold()} : {len(planes)}")
if planes.hbond_dimensionality < 0:
print(f"No hydrogen bonds")
print(f"Hydrogen bond dimensionality of crystal : {planes.hbond_dimensionality}-D")
if len(planes) > 0:
print(f"Possible slip planes : {[plane.orientation.hkl for plane in planes]}")
print(f"\n {divider} Individual plane analysis Details {divider}")
for i, plane in enumerate(planes):
print_plane_info(plane, i)
print(f"No planes found with a separation > {args.separation}A")
print(f"\n {divider} Done {divider}")
if args.csv_output:
save_to_csv(planes.as_dict(), args.refcode)
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = parse_arguments()
This example shows how to extract information and visualize the surface of a crystal plane.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This script can be used for any purpose without limitation subject to the
# conditions at
# This permission notice and the following statement of attribution must be
# included in all copies or substantial portions of this script.
# 2020-06-11: created by Alex Moldovan, the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre
# 2020-06-16: made available by the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre
''' - extract information and plot contour of the surface.
The script uses the CCDC particle module to extract information, and,
optionally, visualize the topology, of a crystal plane surface.
python NALCYS23 (101)
import argparse
import os
import re
from typing import Tuple, Dict
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError as exc:
print('This is needed to visualize the surface topology\n')
from import CrystalReader
from ccdc import particle
def m_indices(input_string: str) -> Tuple:
"""To convert the hkl argument into tuple used to create Surface object.
input: "(110)"
output: tuple([1,1,0])
mi_regex = r'\((-?\d)(-?\d)(-?\d)\)'
mm = re.match(mi_regex, input_string)
if mm is None:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('"{}" is not of the form "(hkl)"' \
return tuple(map(int,, 2, 3)))
def parse_arguments():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
help='The Refcode of a CSD entry, eg. NALCYS23.'
help='The Miller indices of the plane, eg. (101).'
'-p', '--plot_topology',
help='Plot topology as contour map.'
'-n', '--node_data',
help='Save node data as output file in directory.'
return parser.parse_args()
def _rotate_to_xy(normal: np.ndarray, cleave_edges: list) -> np.ndarray:
Rotates the plane to fit xy plane
:param normal: numpy.array vector normal of the plane
:param cleave_edges: list of interception edges across BFDH
:return: numpy.array rotated edges to given alignment axis Default = [0,0,1]
alignment_axis = np.array([0, 0, 1])
if np.array_equal(normal, alignment_axis):
return np.array(cleave_edges)
cross = np.cross(normal, alignment_axis)
norm = np.linalg.norm(cross)
if norm:
cross = cross / norm
theta = np.arccos((, alignment_axis)))
rot = Rotation.from_rotvec(theta * cross)
return np.array([rot.apply(x) for x in cleave_edges])
def _generate_interpolated_grid_data(nodes: np.ndarray, cell_limits: Dict, method: str = 'linear',
grid_spacing: float = 0.2) -> np.ndarray:
Uses nodes to generate an interpolated grid
:param list nodes: coordinates of node positions
:param str method: default 'linear'. Look up scipy.interpolate.griddata for more options.
if not isinstance(nodes, np.ndarray):
nodes = np.array(nodes)
x_line = np.arange(cell_limits['x_min'], cell_limits['x_max'], grid_spacing)
y_line = np.arange(cell_limits['y_min'], cell_limits['y_max'], grid_spacing)
x, y = np.meshgrid(x_line, y_line)
coord_xy = [[nodes[:, 0][i], nodes[:, 1][i]] for i in range(len(nodes[:, 0]))]
if len(nodes) < 10:
method = 'nearest'
grid = griddata(np.array(coord_xy), nodes[:, 2], (x, y), method=method)
return grid
def _node_limits(nodes: np.ndarray) -> Dict:
""" Calculates the min and max of all nodes """
if not isinstance(nodes, np.ndarray) and isinstance(nodes, list):
nodes = np.array(nodes)
x_min = nodes[:, 0].min()
y_min = nodes[:, 1].min()
x_max = nodes[:, 0].max()
y_max = nodes[:, 1].max()
return {'x_min': x_min, 'y_min': y_min, 'x_max': x_max, 'y_max': y_max}
def plot_contour(array: np.ndarray, refcode: str, hkl: str) -> None:
""" Plots a contour map based on the nodes of the surface topology """
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
ax = fig.gca()
contour = ax.contour(array)
ax.clabel(contour, inline=True, fontsize=10)
ax.imshow(array[:][:], cmap='coolwarm', alpha=0.7, interpolation='nearest')
ax.set_title(f'Topology Contour: {refcode} {hkl}')
def main(args: object) -> None:
crystal = CrystalReader('CSD').crystal(args.refcode)
hkl = args.hkl
surface = particle.Surface(crystal, hkl, surface_size=(2, 2))
divider = "######" * 5
output = f"{divider} Surface Analysis {divider}\n"
output += f"Selected structure : {surface.identifier}\n"
output += f"Selected hkl : {surface.miller_indices}\n"
output += "\n\n"
output += f"{divider} Slab Properties {divider}\n"
output += f"Organic : {surface.slab.is_organic}\n"
output += f"Polymeric : {surface.slab.is_polymeric}\n"
output += f"Number of molecules in slab : {len(surface.slab_molecules)}\n"
output += f"Slab molecular weight : {surface.slab.molecular_weight}\n"
output += f"Number of atoms : {len(surface.slab.atoms)}\n"
output += "\n\n"
output += f"{divider} Topology Properties {divider}\n"
output += f"Surface area : {surface.descriptors.surface_area}\n"
output += f"Rugosity : {surface.descriptors.rugosity}\n"
output += f"RMSD : {surface.descriptors.rmsd}\n"
output += f"Skewness : {surface.descriptors.skewness}\n"
output += f"kurtosis : {surface.descriptors.kurtosis}\n"
output += "\n\n"
output += f"{divider} Chemical Properties {divider}\n"
output += f"Density of HB-Donors : {surface.descriptors.hb_donors}\n"
output += f"Density of Unsatisfied HB-Donors : {surface.descriptors.unsatisfied_hb_donors}\n"
output += f"Density of HB-Acceptors : {surface.descriptors.hb_acceptors}\n"
output += f"Density of Aromatic Bonds : {surface.descriptors.aromatic_bonds}\n"
nodes = list(surface.topology.nodes)
if args.plot_topology:
# Rotate nodes to ensure the z-component is perpendicular to surface normal
normal = surface.miller_indices.plane.normal
normal = np.array([normal.x, normal.y, normal.z])
nodes = _rotate_to_xy(normal, nodes)
x_t = np.array([cor[0] for cor in nodes])
y_t = np.array([cor[1] for cor in nodes])
print(f"{divider} Topology Properties {divider}")
print(f"Dimensions (x,y) : ({round(x_t.max() - x_t.min())}, {round(y_t.max() - y_t.min())})")
cell_limits = _node_limits(nodes)
array = _generate_interpolated_grid_data(nodes, cell_limits,
array = gaussian_filter(array, sigma=1.5)
plot_contour(array, args.refcode, args.hkl)
# generates output file
if args.node_data:
output += f"{divider} Nodes {divider}\n"
for node in nodes:
output += str(node) + "\n"
with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
''.join(map(str, args.hkl)))),
'w') as fh:
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = parse_arguments()