Particle API¶
The ccdc.particle
contains classes for particle surface analysis and slip planes calculation.
The ccdc.particle
module contains two classes
and ccdc.particle.SlipPlanes
The ccdc.particle.Surface
class contains attributes relating
to the chemistry and topology of a particle surface.
>>> from ccdc import io
>>> from ccdc.particle import Surface
>>> crystal = io.CrystalReader('CSD').crystal('DEBXIT')
>>> particle_surface = Surface(crystal, (1,0,0))
>>> len(particle_surface.slab.atoms)
>>> particle_surface.slab.atoms[0].is_acceptor
>>> particle_surface.miller_indices.plane
Plane(normal=Vector(1.000, -0.000, -0.000), distance=22.512)
>>> round(len(list(particle_surface.topology.nodes)), -3)
>>> tuple(round(x,0) for x in list(particle_surface.topology.nodes)[0])
(23.0, -0.0, -0.0)
>>> round(len(list(particle_surface.topology.triangles)), -3)
>>> tuple(round(x,0) for x in list(particle_surface.topology.triangles)[0][0])
(23.0, 0.0, -0.0)
>>> particle_surface.descriptors.projected_area
>>> particle_surface.descriptors.rugosity
>>> particle_surface.descriptors.rmsd
>>> particle_surface.descriptors.skewness
>>> particle_surface.descriptors.kurtosis
>>> particle_surface.descriptors.hb_acceptors
>>> particle_surface.descriptors.hb_donors
>>> particle_surface.descriptors.unsatisfied_hb_donors
>>> particle_surface.descriptors.aromatic_bonds
The ccdc.particle.SlipPlanes
class contains attributes relating
to the position of possible slip planes within a unit cell.
>>> from ccdc import io
>>> from ccdc.particle import SlipPlanes
>>> crystal = io.EntryReader('CSD').crystal("SCCHRN")
>>> planes = SlipPlanes(crystal)
>>> len(planes)
>>> round(planes[0].slab_separation, 3)
>>> [round(plane.slab_separation, 3) for plane in planes]
>>> planes.set_separation_threshold(-2)
>>> [round(plane.slab_separation, 3) for plane in planes]
[1.095, -0.063, -0.219, -0.34, -0.348, -0.348, -0.677, -1.232, -1.528, -1.724, -1.801, -1.867, -1.928]
>>> planes[0].orientation
MillerIndices(1, 0, 0)
>>> planes[0].h_bonded
>>> planes[0].mid_plane
Plane(normal=Vector(0.971, -0.000, 0.239), distance=9.285)
>>> round(planes[0].offset, 3) + 0
>>> round(planes[0].repeat_distance, 3)
- class ccdc.particle.Surface(crystal, miller_indices=None, thickness_factor=0, surface_size=(1, 1), probe_radius=1.2, grid_spacing=0.3, offset=0.0, slip_plane=None, hbond_criterion=None)[source]¶
A class to represent a particle surface.
Create a surface from a crystal and the given Miller indices or SlipPlane.
- Parameters:
crystal (
) – The crystal whose surface we want to generatemiller_indices (tuple) – Miller indices as a tuple of three integers from -9 to 9
thickness_factor (float, optional) – slab thickness multiplier, defaults to automatic
surface_size (tuple, optional) – multiplier for u and v vectors, defaults to (1,1)
probe_radius (float, optional) – the probe radius for surface calculation, defaults to 1.2
grid_spacing (float, optional) – the grid spacing for surface calculation, defaults to 0.3
offset (float, optional) – attempt to create a surface displaced by this distance from the default surface (offset=0)
slip_plane (
) – A pre-calculated slip plane defining where to generate the surfacehbond_criterion (
, optional) – A hydrogen bond criterion to use in the surface analysis, defaults to the Mercury default criterion
- class AtomProperties(cssv, contacts, hbc)[source]¶
Atom properties of a surface.
- property hb_acceptors¶
List of atoms that are hydrogen bond acceptors
- property hb_donors¶
List of atoms that are hydrogen bond donors
- property unsatisfied_hb_donors¶
List of atoms that are unsatisfied hydrogen bond donors
- class Descriptors(surface, csv, cssv, contacts, hbc)[source]¶
Descriptors of a surface.
- property aromatic_bonds¶
Aromatic bond density (count per Angstrom squared).
- property hb_acceptors¶
Hydrogen bond acceptor density (count per Angstrom squared).
- property hb_donors¶
Hydrogen bond donor density (count per Angstrom squared).
- property kurtosis¶
Pearson Kurtosis - a measure of the flatness of distribution.
- property projected_area¶
Reticular area of the surface (in Angstrom squared).
- property rmsd¶
Root mean squared deviation of the surface (in Angstrom)
- property rugosity¶
Ratio between surface area and projected area.
- property skewness¶
Measure of height deviation symmetry, where 0 is a symmetric distribution of peaks and valleys.
- property surface_area¶
Topological surface area (in Angstrom squared).
- property unsatisfied_hb_donors¶
Unsatisfied Hydrogen bond donor density (count per Angstrom squared). Where an unsatisfied hydrogen bond donor is defined as a donor with a hydrogen atom that is surface terminating and not forming a hydrogen bond to the slab.
- class Topology(topology)[source]¶
The topology of the surface, given by a collection of nodes in triangular mesh.
- property nodes¶
Generator of nodes in the surface.
A node is a tuple of three floats.
- property triangles¶
Generator of triangles in the surface.
A triangle is a tuple of three nodes.
- property atom_surface_node_contacts¶
Return a dict mapping
to a list of contacting surface node positions.
- property descriptors¶
- property miller_indices¶
The Miller plane indices used to define the particle Surface.
- property offset¶
The offset is the distance translated along the surface normal (in Angstroms).
- property periodic_vectors¶
Returns the UVW vectors for constructing the periodic surface.
- property slab¶
The particle slab represented as a single
- property slab_molecules¶
The particle slab represented as a list of the constituent Molecules.
- property slicing_plane_distance¶
Distance from origin of reference plane (hkl and offset, or, SlipPlane) defining the Surface (in Angstroms).
- property surface_atoms¶
Returns a list of atoms found within VDW plus grid_spacing of the topology.
- property surface_node_atom_contacts¶
Return a dict mapping surface node positions to a list of contacting
- property topology¶
- class ccdc.particle.SlipPlanes(crystal, hbond_criterion=None)[source]¶
A list-like class to represent the slip planes in a crystal. The individual slip planes can be accessed by list-like index, slice or iteration.
The initial separation threshold is 0.0.
- Parameters:
crystal (
) – The crystal whose slip planes we want to calculate.hbond_criterion (
, optional) – A hydrogen bond criterion to use in the surface analysis, defaults to the Mercury default criterion
- class SlipPlane(parent_planes, plane)[source]¶
A class to represent a slip plane in a crystal.
- property h_bonded¶
Returns whether or not intermolecular hydrogen bonds cross the slip plane.
- property mid_plane¶
Returns the slip plane as a
- property offset¶
Returns the perpendicular distance from this slip plane to the parallel Miller plane (in Angstroms).
- property orientation¶
Returns the indices of the Miller plane that sits parallel to the slip plane.
- property perpendicular_slip_planes¶
Returns a list of slip planes with orientations perpendicular to this one.
- property repeat_distance¶
Returns the perpendicular distance to the next equivalent slip plane (in Angstroms).
- property slab_separation¶
Returns the shortest distance (in Angstroms) between the slabs of molecules on either side of the slip plane. A negative value indicates an overlap of the two slabs of molecules.
- property hbond_dimensionality¶
Return the hydrogen bond dimensionality as an integer.
- Returns:
-1 no hydrogen bonds, 0 0D discrete, 1 1D chain, 2 2D sheet, 3 3D network